GEOMAR – White paper, research paper and brochure
Contributors: Amberlea Williams, graphic design
Under the EU Horizon 2020 project, AtlantOS, we produced a best practices report on the policy frameworks of 16 national and intergovernmental ocean observation networks and systems around the world. We connected, coordinated and conducted interviews with the leaders of these 16 organisations, and synthesised the outcomes of the interviews and background research into a report that helped inform the AtlantOS team’s development of a vision for an All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System.
We co-authored and created the graphics for An Integrated All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System in 2030, published in Frontiers in Marine Science in July, 2019, which lays out the vision of a policy framework for integrated ocean observing across the Atlantic Ocean. We also produced an accompanying brochure that describes the AtlantOS High-level Strategy.